Our top priority is the customer, our human team works every day with the aim of always offering a service that meets your needs. Goodbye, Rita offers a UNIQUE DESIGN of impeccable quality at a good price. We take care of every detail with love, which is why our packaging and chamois never leave you indifferent. In Goodbye, Rita. You will find sunglasses and optical frames (already graduated for presbyopia ready to use, or without graduation so that you can adjust them to your needs in your trusted optician. Our collections are mainly unisex for adults and children. Our KIDS collection, designed to protect to the little ones, it is combined with the adult collection, which makes them irresistible.

Goodbye,Rita ofrece un DISEÑO ÚNICO de una calidad impecable a buen precio. Cuidamos con cariño cada detalle, es por ello qué nuestros packaging y gamuzas nunca os dejan indiferentes. En Goodbye, Rita. encontrarás gafas de sol y monturas de óptica (ya graduadas para presbicia listas para usar, o sin graduar para que las ajustes a tus necesidades en tu óptica de confianza). Nuestras colecciones son principalmente unisex. Disponemos de monturas tanto para adultos como para niño.

We offer a wide collection of glasses with a unique design and with a range of colors that does not exist in the market. It will be impossible for you to have only one. We want to change the way we see things and that is why we have started with the eyes...

DO YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THE CHANGE? We currently sell our collections on our website, multi-brand points of sale specialized in fashion, pharmacies and opticians distributed in different countries. If you want to know your nearest point of sale, write to us at info@goodbyerita.com. If you want to distribute Goodbye, Rita. at your point of sale you can contact us at retail@goodbyerita.com